Saturday, December 16, 2006

Baptism Week

We had an encouraging week of meetings Dec 6-10 finishing with a baptism meeting when 6 people were baptized including ones from other churches here in the South.
Throughout the 5 days there were over 70 people who came to the church who are not members, many of whom were here for the first time.

Around 30 people responded to the call of the gospel over the week including Nicu a 25 yr old young man who is blind, several other young people and some older ones.

We are currently running new believers courses for those that responded or indeed for ones who didn't but want to know more.

Everyone is welcome!!! Contact for details

We also had a Christmass celebration programme for school children when around 200 were present with Christmass gifts supplied by Patmis Foundation a Christian organisation from Finland.

We also plan to hold another Christmas celebration meeting for all ages on Dec 24 at 10.00 at the church when again all are invited.

Peace to you all

Monday, December 4, 2006

Special week of meetings

Everyone is invited to a special week of meetings at our church - Gotesti Baptist Church.

From Dec 6-9 Wednesday to Saturday each evening at 17.00
- In the programme will be songs from the group FILAEL as well as testimonies and a bible message on Knowing God.

On Sunday 10 December at 15.00 we have a special baptism meeting.
- Come and join us for this celebration

Pastor Mark

Welcome to the Gotesti Baptist Church