Thursday, January 25, 2007

Christmas Meeting

Well Christmas is past and we like all other celebraters of this Christian festival are recovering form the business of it all.

We had many meetings including 2 children's specials to which around 200 and 300 respectively attended.

Then there was a Christmas day event ( actually held on December 24 - see photo ). We had 363 people attending all of whom got a small gift.

This included around 150 adults many of whom were for the first time in the church.

We had a wonderful time of celebration together and several made commitments to Christ.

Just after Christmas we took a group of young people from our Tuesday night Karis club away on a winter "camp" - we actually stayed at the O.M. building in Chisinau.

We had studies and celebration meetings together and also went out to Ice Skating, Ten Pin Bowling and the Theatre, a first for all of them.

One young man gave his life to Christ during the week and many other responded at various levels.

It was such a lovely time that even we leaders did not want to go to bed ont he last night.

Keep us in your prayers

Pastor Mark