Friday, October 19, 2007

Mission continuing

The mission has been continuing to go well with up to Friday night 26 adults having responded to thr gospel as well as several children.

Ruslan has been counselling them after their response and it apears that many have understood well the gospel and made serious responses

Pray for the first new believers discpleship course that will take place at 15.00 on Tuesday 23 october

Alexei, the former mayor of the village and former head teacher of the school was one of those who responded this week and his wife the following day.

In fact we have up to now had 3 married couples respond this week.

On Friday night we had Angelina Vasilache a well know gospel singer come and do most of the programme for the meeting as well as give her testimony

Meanwhile the Bayfarm team have been continuing on daily visits.

Here they are doing a programme in one of the 3 Kindergartens in Gotesti.

We were able to leave some games for the kids like leggo etc as none of these Kindergartens have any games

The team has also been doing visits to poor homes giving aid and also piglets the funds for which have been supplied mostly by Eurovangelism.

Many of the poor people they have visited have also come to the meeting during the week

Pray for the final two days of the mission that there would continue to be more new unsaved people come to the meetings and that they get saved

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

mission day Oct 16

Thank you for continuing to pray for the mission and all events surrounding it. It is going well with plenty of unbelievers coming and hearing the word - some for the first time.

Here are two ladies that responded. They are mother and daughter and were visited by the team earlier in the day.
Natasa in red has been coming to the chruch for some weeks but her mother Olia was there for the first time on Tuesday night.

The team did a play in the meeting called measuring up which really spoke of a man trying to keep the law to measure up and be accepted but then finding his rest in God. Sandra Newton also gave her testimony of how she was called by God to salvation at a youth for Christ rally many years ago.

Earlier in the day we had been to the local school which has 600 pupils

The photo to the right is the team meeting Olga the head teacher and below is Kim giving her testimony to the teachers in the room that Bayfarm church and friends have given a gift to refurbish it with double glazed windows, tables and chairs carpet etc
The team have been doing other visits to Kindergartens in the village and in the afternoons they have been visiting people's homes and sharing the gospel with them and inviting them to the meeting in the evening.
All this having travelled 10,000 Km to get here - not bad for a bunch of jet lagged oldies.
Pastor Mark

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Mission Week

It is our special week this week when we have an outreach mission for the village.

This year we have a team with us from Bayfarm Community Church, California

After a 10,000 Km journey to get to us you can imagine how tired they were and yet they have been fully involved from day one.

Sunday morning. the gospel was preached in our 10.00 am meeting and 5 people responded including Larisa in the centre of the picture who had been close for many weeks.

Then in the afternoon we were invited to a harvest service in Pelenei where pastor Misa ( see photo with M&M) gave us the full programme.

Chris Modic ( see picture) gave his testimony and there were also 5 people who responded to a gospel appeal.

The mission in Gotesti starts on Tuesday evening 16th and will be every evening until Sunday 21

Keep praying for us


Monday, October 1, 2007

Harvest Service

Ignore the date on the bottom of the picture this is a shot of our harvest service on 30 September 2007.

We had a lovely time together thanking God for what He has done for us this year despite the fact that in general harvests were very poor in Moldova.

There were 53 non Christians at the meeting including the mayor and his wife who gave a short at address at the start of the meeting.

The youth did a programme including some songs and various others took part in the day such as Aliona's twins The harvest is past the summer is over and WE ARE NOT SAVED is the text that was used in the message. Jer 8:20

An appeal was made and 4 adults and 3 children raised their hands wanting to receive Jesus into their lives.

Another 23 people completed response forms of which 5 recorded that they had asked Christ into their lives and 17 said they wanted someone to talk to them about what it means to have new life in Christ.

We now have much follow up work to do especially since we have a mission coming up 14-21 October

Pastor Mark