Thanks to you all for your prayers for the mission that we ran from Thursday - Sunday 23- 26 Oct
Here we see Viorel giving his testimony during one of the meetings
Each of the 6 from our villages being baptised gave their testimony during the week.
We had a good numer of people respond to gospel appeals during the week and we have many people to follow up in these coming weeks
This for example is Stefan, the husband of one of our members.
He is 55 and has made various responses before but he came this time wanting his whole to belong to God.
Pray for him - he is working in Russia and just back for 15 days before returning. Thus there is little chance for him to get follow up.
This is Costa ( on the right ) with our youth leader Igor after responding in the mission on Friday night night
Pray for him as he begins studies to help him better understand the decision he has made.
And this is 12 year old Vitali who responded on Friday also.
He is the son of Lilia, who you may remember as the mother of Tolia with the deformed hand.
Pray for him and his mother that we will be able to give them the follow up they need to grow.
We were very encoruaged once again by the turn out at our baptism meeting with over 200 adults attending
Some also joined us from Baurcii as Br Vasile Culin ( seen here on the right behind the baptism candidates ) had brought one of his people ( Vasile, extreme right ) to receive baptism also
Four from Gotesti, one from Chircani, one from Constantinovca and one from Baurcii made up the 7 people who were baptised.
The atmosphere was especially joyous as we were celebrating the opening of our new indoor baptistery
( Just finished on Thursday and built with the financial support of some brothers from the UK )
Nearly all who were baptised left with shrieks of joy as they departed through the back gangway
And I truly felt like baptising all 200 people in the building. May the Lord make it happen in reality
Pastor Mark