Adolescents outreach
This is a picture of the adolescents group that a team of our believers led by Igor and Tanya are working with.
About 30 come each Tuesday to the group and share friendship in games, etc but also split into groups for a bible study designed to show them the way to a relationship with Christ
Only 4 of these kids have families that come to the church.
The series of studies are designed to reach a climax at around the new year in a 4 day winter camp we hope to be able to do again this year as we did for the last two years in Chisinau using the premises of O.M.
Two years ago saw Doina and Aliona commit their lives fully to Christ during this time and they were amongst those who were baptised this October
We ask you to pray with us that we are able to do this 4 day event again this year and that similar responses occur that lead to changed hearts.
We hope to run the camp Dec 25-30
Pastor Mark