Sunday, August 23, 2009

I thought I would blog this lovely photograph of Tanya and Marina with their babies whom many of you know.

Both were saved as children under the ministry of Larisa at least 10 years ago.

Tanya, on the left for those of you that don't know them, became one of our worship leaders and a children's worker before marrying Igor where she now assists him in the youth and adolecent's ministry.

Marina was and is one of our Sunday school teachers and the driving force behind our drama ministry.

She's married to Iulian, our transport manager and maintainance man among other things

It is wonderful to see how God has saved both as children and they have grown up in the church to become ministers themselves and now mothers.

Looks like Dana (Igor and Tanya's daughter ) already has her eye on Alex Daniel (Iulian and Marina's son ).

Typical man though, his mind is probably already on fast cars.

May the Lord, with the help of your prayers, produce many more Tanya and Igors, Marina and Iulians and Dana and Alexes over the next 10 years in our 3 churches

Pastor Mark

Mission Direct

We have been blessed with 3 teams from Mission Direct coming out to us to help in our ministry this summer.

This is Rainer from Germany who was one of the team leaders helping paint our church building in Constantinovca.

Mission direct form teams of volunteers from the West to go to countries like Moldova, Cambodia, Dominican Republic and many more.
Their vision is to help the churches help the local communities and thus further the gospel.

Here Steve, another one of the leaders was working with one of our members, Iulian, at the kindergarten in Constantinovca fixing what is the bathroom for the kids.

In fact the kindgergarten has been helped by several teams so far and Maria the head teacher has been to one of our Alpha courses as a result.

The teams raise as much money as they can which is often enough to fund the project that they are helping with.

In this case one of the earlier teams raised the money for us to do the back wall at Chircani building.

The team participated and also left us the funds to finish the wall.
Part of the vision is for teams is to participate in the "spiritual" ministry of the church as well.

Here Bob one of the team members is giving his testimony of how he became a Christian in one of our meetings

Team members also went out with a translator and visited needy people in our villages bringing an aid packet to them of flour and oil.

If you are interested in discovering more about Mission Direct and how to be involved check out their web site

We thank God for all His blessings this summer

Pastor Mark

Monday, August 10, 2009

Children's day camp at Gotesti

With summer break for kids fast coming to an end we took the opportunity to run a day camp at our church in Gotesti for kids aged 8-11.

This is a group of them singing on the Sunday morning in church when the kids had the programme and their parents had been invited.

Mission Direct were also with us during the week and got involved in the mission
by assisting in the games and crafts.

Around 80 kids came every day from 9.00 to 17.00 and received lunch as well as pop and biscuits throughout the day

Many kids won various prizes for sports and games achievements but also for their bible knowledge etc
On the final day we were able to give each child a slice or 3 of pizza which they loved as much as you can imagine

Here is the Sunday morning service at the end of the week.
Around 30-40 parents came and at least 10 were in the church for the first time.
One parent who has been coming to the church for a while also gave her life to the Lord.
Pray for us:- there are 160 kids in the village in this age range most of whom would be willing to come to the church groups in the church we run on Sundays and throughout the week but our rooms are too small
We are desperately trying to find a solution to this
Pastor Mark