New Bible School Begins
We have 15 new students who all want to be equipped to serve the Lord better.
The students come from 9 different villages here in the South.
The vision is to help equip these ones to do the work and also to teach and equip others
From left to right these are Vasile, recently appointed pastor of Brinza church which has around 200 members followed by Fedea pastor of Giurgulesti (70 members ) and Sergiu ( 68 members) pastor of Moscovei.
These men have been faithfully and sucessfully serving the Lord in their various churches but have never had opportunity to get the equipping that a Bible School affords.
This course that we provide gives them this opportunity without having to leave the work.
Here are Igor and Anatol, two key workers from the church at Vad Lui Isac.
The first week was looking at the book of Galatians.
We were encouaged to see all students taking an active part in thought provoking discussions.
We trust that our relationship with these various workers will grow as the course progresses.
Please pray for them
Pastor Mark