New Church Plant at Ursoaia
Ursoaia is a village of around 1700 people just a couple kms from Pelinei where Misa Hiorescu ( pictured here sharing from the word in Ursoaia meeting) is the pastor.
Misa was born and raised in this village and so for years it has been on his heart to see a church started in the village.
There is not now, nor ever has been, a Christian church of any kind in this village so what a priviledge it was for us ( I and one of our worship teams ) to be called to assist Misa in a week long mission to launch the church.
Around 20 people came each evening and on Saturday evening we did the meeting outside.
Sunday saw the most number of villagers come and during the week Misa's mother gave her life to the Lord and a few others also made responses to gospel appeals
Vova and Tanya believers from our church in Gotesti gave a testimony and poem respectively
Vova's mother is originally from this village and she came with us from Gotesti and encouraged her sister and husband who still live in the village to come to the meeting on Sunday
Each evening after the meeting everyody stayed to talk more and we saw that all these were seeking at one level or another.
This is just the beginning of the work in this village. I, the worship team and Vova and Tanya plan to go there next Sunday when the ordinary Sunday meeting will take place at 4.00 pm but we realise what is needed is meeting and talking with people one to one for them to understand that we are not some cult that has strange ideas.
Pray for Misa and his team as he does this week in week out and for the youth and children's works he wants to start soon.
Pastor Mark