Christmas Meeting 2011
We had an encouraging turn out once again at our Christmas celebration meeting which we held on Dec 26 this year as it was a Sunday.
There were a good number of unsaved who attended many coming to us for the first time.
We had a children's programme as always and Ruslan brought the word this year.
Here the youngest are ones acting as angels ( happens just once a year in my experience )
Then the older ones did a nativity play
Here all the players are gathered for the final bow as it were
All the costumes were made by ladies from our church and several of these kids are not regulars ( yet ) in our Sunday school
Then our adolescents also did a play and our youth did a song.
Just looking at our youth group here - the front row of girls includes 2 who have their weddings already planned this year Claudia and Cristina and another who's planning for next year. ( still a secret - watch this space )
Please pray that many who came to the Christmas meeting will continue to come to the church and even join the Alpha course we are starting 30 Jan 2011
Pastor Mark