Sunday, February 20, 2011

Week 4 Alpha

We've been encouraged to see increasing numbers come each week to the Alpha course we are currently running in Gotesti.

This week 70 sat down to eat with people coming from 7 different villages.

We added an extra study this week preaching from Luke 19 on Zacheus as it speaks so much of the personal relationship that Christ wants to have with us. Just as he said to Zacheus that He must stay in his house so he knocks on the door of our lives and says "... if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come into him and eat with him.." Rev 3:20
This gave the groups a further oppotunity to talk about issues like repentance and receivng Christ and when I travelled round the various groups exactly these subjects were being discussed.

One group was asking how we hear His voice speaking to us and Sergiu who has recently given his life to the Lord answered very clearly much to our encouragement.
Ruslan had 18 in his group this week from Cantemir, Cania, Porumbesti; not generally a very manageable number but we were very encouraged when 5 of them said they wanted to give their lives to Christ.
We prayed with them after the group
One of the girls from this group got saved in the second week of Alpha and is absoltuely on fire.
In fact the whole group caught some of her flame in the discussions.
We'd very much value your prayers for these and more to keep coming and to be drawn closer to Christ
Pastor Mark

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New Alpha Course

We have started a new Alpha course in the church at Gotesti and are into our second week

Around 50 are coming so far from 5 different villages in our region.

For those of you that do not know the format of the Alpha course. We have one meeting per week for around 10 weeks and on each occassion we start with a meal together where we can chat and enjoy one another's company and then from the front a message is given on a theme

The first week's message was Who is Jesus and this week we looked at Why did Jesus die.

Then we split into groups and discuss questions or thoughts arising from the theme of the message or any other taxing questions.

This is the group from Badicu village with Lucian the pastor right of picture. A very intelligent and active group.

One lady in one of the other groups felt she wanted to give her life to the Lord after the meeting and with joy and tears received Him.

The man on the left looking into the camera in this picture is Volodia, the pastor of the church in Cantemir.

This group included some of the oldest ones attending but one of our other groups included some youth as young as 16 so we are blessed to have a great mix of ages and backgrounds finding the Alpha course of use

Keep us in your prayers

Pastor Mark