Saturday, November 24, 2007

Our Adolescent football team wins medal

In October after a Sunday service we had a presentation for our adolescents football team. The team was formed 3 months ago and Igor and Ilusa are the trainers of the team.
Operation Mobilisation were the inspiration behind this new ministry inviting churches to start football teams while they offered training for the leaders on how to coach the teams.

Igor and Ilusa meet with the boys every Tuesday and Thursday, have a time of skills training, then a talk from the bible ( which has seen 5 of these boys repent ) and then a match.

Our team went to O.M in Chisinau and competed with another 4 teams on a round robin basis for a cup; they came 2nd and all got medals which you can see in the photo

One of the lads got best footballer in the tournament and another best defender.

Pray for this group of boys. Most of them have been coming to our Friday afternoon "grupa mare" for adolescents from 11-14 years.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ce ma bucur sa imi amintesc acele momente traite linga acea echipa si linga voi (Y)