Sunday, February 3, 2008

A day away from home

This Sunday we had the priviledge of being one of the speakers at the ordination of Slavic Birsa as a deacon at Jesus the Saviour church in Chisinau

Here I am speaking with Valeriu Ghiletchii the president of the Baptist Union translating for me.

Brother Valeriu was the main speaker and gave some excellent teaching on 1 Tim 4:12 teaching on each of the aspects that Timothy was to be an example in to the believers i.e. in word; in conduct; in love; in spirit; in faith and in purity

You may remember brother Slavic from a previous blog post as he is the leader of the Christian Police Association with whom we are working.

Jesus the Saviour is the biggest evangelical church in Moldova with 1300 members and indeed around 900 people took communion with at least another 300 ( the majority presumably unsaved ) also at the meeting

They have 5 pastors and now with Slavic and the 3 others who were ordaned to-day as deacons they have 20 deacons.

After the ordination followed by communion we all met for a meal with the new deacons and families and invited friends

We found it all a thoroughly uplifting day

Meanwhile back at the ranch.....

Keep praying for the Chircani new believers and seekers.

Nina, Anisoara, Vasile and Tanya are all through and there are several others that have made serious responses.

Pray for Tanya and Luchian - they have left for a time to go to her parents in another village.

Pray she is able to feed herself ( spiritually ) and stay strong for the Lord while she is away

Pray for Igor and Vera from Gotesti. ( side by side )

Their lives have been messed up big time by sin but both are coming together to the meetings and were here again this morning with the first study of the new believers/seekers course completed

He has a big desire to be changed

Pray I get wisdom when we meet on Tuesday and that His power is present

Pray for Tony Anthony as he comes to us on Monday to do a 3 day "Release" conference on evangelism with about 150 workers here in the South Tuesday to Thursday

Yours and His


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