Sunday, September 14, 2008

Iosif Tson at Emanuel opening

I had the wonderful priviledge to-day of sharing a platform with the world renowed bible teacher, evangelist and author Iosif Tson ( centre of picture )

Actually when I say sharing a platform he was at the centre and I was at the edge

Iosif Tson was and still is the foremost and best respected bible teacher to all Romanian speaking Christians. But he is also very well known amonst Western Christians for many years.

In fact we have staying with us in Gotesti, Chris Elston, a missionary from UK to Slovakia, who shared of a time over 20 years ago when he was a missionary in Tanzania, at the end of himself and ready to give up because of the many hardships he was going through. On the very day he was at his lowest he received a tape from a friend by the bible teacher Iosif Tson entitled "suffering".

"God used it to lift me from the pit and put my feet on the Rock" says Chris

Br Iosif was a contemporary of Richard Wurmbrand. Both were pastors in Romania under communism and both opposed it.
In 1981 Tson was forced to leave while Wurmbrand was inprisoned and tortured. You may remember his book
"Tortured for Christ"

While in exile in USA Br Tson wrote many books in English and also was the Sunday afternoon preacher on Radio Free Europe which nearly all Romanians with a radio illegally listened to under communism.

Br Iosif was the main speaker at the occassion of the opening of the new building in Cahul for Emanuel church.

There was a great turn out of believers and many non Christians including the council leader and council members for the county of Cahul. Please pray for those that responded to gospel appeal of Br Tson - around 20.

Please pray for the next week as they have evangelistic events every evening. ( A team from Gotesti including me as preacher will be featuring on Friday night )

Among the other speakers were Andrei Ciobanu BU supervsor for the South and Valeriu Ghilecthii president of the Baptist Union seated beside each other in the photo above.

Br Anatol, the pastor of Emanual church also received from Br Valeriu the official certificate of opening the church building.
All in all a wonderful occassion to be part of.

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