Sunday, March 29, 2009

8th March

In the west we celebrate mother's day albeit it a bit low key

However here in Moldova and indeed most of Eastern Europe 8th of March is a national celebration as woman's day

We had a meeting at the church and saw quite a few new ladies come to the meeting

One of the things our Sunday school teachers organised was for each of the children to find their mothers in the meeting and bring a 8th of March gift - some a flower some a bar of chocolate and so on

It was much appreciated.

Here is Angela, one of our alpha course receiving from her son Dima

The coffee shop was full - in fact we had our busiest day since we opened with sizeable parties coming from different churches to celebrate 8th March

Here we see half the group of the church from Crehana and we had a group from Chisilea

We also had some locals from Gotesti and also some from other nearby villages
So steadily people are coming to the coffee shop but the world financial crisis is as you can imagine not helping things much
Keep us in your prayers
Pastor Mark

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