Christ is risen! He's risen indeed.
I love this time of year as a Christian and an evangelist because in this culture everyone greets each other for the next 40 days with this truth.
There is a particular police man in the village and I think he avoids me at this time of year because I always find him and greet him with Christ is risen - poor man - he always replies with "He's risen indeed through gritted teeth."
We had a good turn out at our Easter morning meeting in Gotesti with also a good number of unsaved parents attending to hear their children in the programme.
Here the darling tiddlers group are singing their hearts out - "He rose so you could live"
Left of the picture the little girl in the pink didn't seem very happy about His resurrection as she stood stone faced the whole programme and refused to say her poem - her poor mother was really anoyed.
Here the group that Rachael is part of did a dance to a Russian song about the resurrection
I was really moved even though I didn't undertsand a word.

I am also glad to be able to show you a picture of Roma still coming to the church and here playing a Roman soldier at the crucifiction
Thank you for continuing to
pray that Roma and around 200 other kids we have in the kids groups will keep coming to the church for the next 10 years.( statistics tell us that over 70% of young people still coming to the church by the time they are twenty get born again during this time) This is now the 3rd Easter God has answered this prayer for Roma.
Will you please pray for Natasa - I am very worried about her. She has been a faithful and committed attender in the church and children groups etc for 7 years since she was 7 but she is now 14 and is begining to get drawn away into the world - boys have hit the scene.
Yesterday we saw her at the village "hora" - basically a drinking and dancing party that goes on all day for the villagers.
This is around about the age her mother did the same thing and got pregnant with her.
She like her mother is not a bad kid just naive.

Although almost all Moldovans confess at this time that Christ is risen most have no idea of the relevance this has to their lives.
So we preached on 1 Pet 1:3, explaining that the reason that Jesus was resurrected was that we could be born again.
It wasn't long, it seemed to me judging by the reaction of those listening before many in the congregation realised how they needed the cleansing, delivering, new hope and new start that new birth brings
Many were touched as our dear brother Edic ( see picture ) just recently back from Russia sang powerfully of the His death on the cross

Several came after the meeting to give their lives to Christ or to find out more.
Please pray for Oxana (in the black ), the daughter of one of our members from Chircani Ioana who is sitting beside her.
She is back from working in Italy for only 10 days but she was very convicted by the message - pray she comes on Wednesday and next Sunday and gets born again in the process.
Thank you for being with us in all that we do for Him here
Pastor Mark