Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Easter Meeting In Chircani

Having started the work of renovating the Chircani Church Community Centre ( or at least connecting the water to the building )

We felt it would be good to do our first meeting back in the building

So we did our Easter meeting in the room in the building where we used to meet some 5 years ago when we rented the building that we are now buying.

The room is much the same size as the room we want to convert into a community centre which was featured in a previous blog.

As you can see from the photo it looks like a grocery shop room which is exactly what it was so obviously there is work we will need to do to it, in due course but we can at least use it now for meetings even though we have to connect up to our next door neighbours' house to have the electricity.

Some of the kids from the 2 groups that are being run in the village by Larisa and her team did a programme including a sketch and songs etc

Sadly through a miscommunication between us and the believers in Chircani the Easter meeting was not announced in the village but nonetheless we had 11 non Christians ( mostly parents or grandparents ) that came to the meeting including 4 that have never been to the church at Gotesti.

Pray for us as we decide whether to restart the meetings in the building as it is or wait for a grand opening when we have finished the work.

Pastor Mark

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