Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Baptism at Cahul

On the 18th July, we had the priviledge of being asked to come and preach at one of the oldest
Baptist churches in the South.
Spirina Baptist church.
They met as a church throughout the time of communism although the building was not constructed until after the revolution.

When we first came to Moldova and were working in the schools in Cahul this is the church
that we attended.

Of course there have been many changes since then ( that was 1994 ) not least in those leading the church.

Little or no financial support has meant that several pastors have left for USA during this time.

This is the current pastor Nicolai Tsin sitting down for a meal after the baptism meeting
with the youth from the church - most of whom have come into the church during his time of minsitry

Here are the 5 young people that were baptised during the meeting.

We heard short testimonies from them all and I was impressed with the clarity of their faith.

One girl had a a very difficult time with her parents being very against her faith but it seems the parents were at the baptism and thus heard the gospel being preached

Several of these ones are already in the worship group.
As you can see there was a good crowd at the meeting including many people who did not yet know the Lord.
Please pray for Igor who is in the same boat as the previous pastors who have left. The Lord has done so much during his time of leading and he is very popular with the church members. It would be a shame if he also had to leave.
Pastor Mark

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