Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Wedding of Sergiu and Liuba

Just one week after Sergiu and Liuba were baptised ( see a previous blog ) here thay are getting married also at the church in Gotesti.

The church was full with a large number of mostly Liuba's relatives attending along with members of our church.

We were able to share a message on "Your Maker is your Husband" and speak of how He wants a personal relationship with us like a husband to a wife.

Liuba's father who is in very poor health made the effort to come and give Liuba away while Sergiu's mum was responsible for all the catering making most of it herself ( she has been a cook in kindergarten's and schools for all her working life catering for big numbers - this wedding was a stroll in the park for her). The food was delicious.

Slavic was M.C and he did very well. Most of those attending had never been to our church or any evangelical church so I guess they did not know what to expect when it came to the reception afterwards. Often, of course, they hear all sorts of incorrect rumours about what we are like but you could see them all starting to steadily relax as Slavic began to lead in games and funny stories etc

As the reception went on they were paticipating quicker in the games than our own members.

We had the priviledge of being at the top table as well as having performed the ceremony and preached. To the right of Sergiu as you look at this picture is Vasia Rascovschii. He was also baptised with Sergiu the week before and he was his best man. To the left of Liuba is her, as yet unmarried, sister Marina who interestingly was the one who caught the bouquet tossed by the bride. So watch this space

Pastor Mark

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