Sunday, February 24, 2008

Visitors from Dancu

We were blessed to have visitors from Dancu, a village from the Hincesti region of Moldova.

Brother Dimitru who is the man in the red shirt in the front row is pastor of the church in Dancu and is also the B.U. supervisor for the region.

Also with him were Chris and Ellen Ducker missionaries from UK who are working in his church in outreach

Brian Pile a long term friend and "veteran" of 15 visits to Moldova was Brother Dimitru's guest in his capacity as director of Breadline.

Brian shared a very moving and powerful testimony of how God had saved he and his wife from the pit

His travelling companion Ian Jeffries also shared a powerful testimony and this together with brother Dimitru's preach led us to make an appeal for people who had not yet given their lives to Christ or who had only half given them to come to the front as a sign of their desire to commit to Christ

Around 40 people young and old responded

Please pray for these and the many others we are presently getting

an opportunity to share the gospel with

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Trip away to Hincesti

I had the priviledge of being invited to speak at a conference in the church at Hincesti last Sunday.

Igor, in the blue shirt, a former boxer, is the leader of the work but his brother beside him Mitea also assists and they have a pastoral couple Daniel and Emily from USA that are also involved in the minstry.

Hincesti is a big city with 40,000 residents and there is much work to do but many doors have been opened to them

One such opportunity is using their sporting gifts.

Here is one of the sports teams that they have trained getting certificates

The meetings with such groups include bible teaching
They have many other opportunites and not just with young people.

Zina, is also one of their members and works in the university with students and Emily is from the Peace Corps and has an outreach minsitry there also

Pray for them as they seek to make the most of all the opportunity that they have and as they seek to get a bigger building .

Daniel, who is holding the child in blue is teaching English using materials that employ the gospel of John and these materials have been used already to bring many in this land to Christ.

Emily, his wife beside him, runs the Sunday school in the church.

Meanwhile back at the ranch.
We had around 100 adults at the meeting this morning which means around 50 non Christians or new believers.
One young woman - Olia - gave her life to the Lord this morning after the meeting. Larisa will follow her up
Ion and Carolina who gave their lives to the Lord this week were there. We meet with them to do a first new believers study on Thursday
Igor and Vera were there and we meet with them on Tuesday.
Keep us in your prayers
Pastor Mark

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Tamed Tiger was in Town

We had the joy of having Tony Anthony with us for a 2 day teaching conference on evangelsim called Release.

Taming the Tiger is the name of biography written about his lfie

He was 3 times world champion in Kung Fu and he later became a body guard.

From this point his life took a serios down turn ad he ended up in prison in Cyprus where he got wonderfully saved.

He is now working in 49 countries sharing the gospel in outreach meetings and teaching the Release conference. His book has sold over 500,000 copies in many different languages.

Tony was here to do a 2 day conference with over 200 of the leaders and workers here in the South.

It was very challenging stuff and so many of the senior leaders who were there were so spoken to.

His reason for doing this is so we in the South can be better equipped to share the gospel one to one with those in our villages in preparation for some big outreach events in November of this year.

Tony also took the opportunity to share the gospel where there was opportunity.
In this case he was sharing with a group of deaf young people at a school in Cahul
We stayed after the meeting to talk with many who had been spoken to by the Lord and we were told the nexy day by Olga who invited us that she spoke further with them for over an hour with many seeking more.
If you're interested in finding out more about Tony Anthony's ministry check out
Do keep him and us in your prayers

Sunday, February 3, 2008

A day away from home

This Sunday we had the priviledge of being one of the speakers at the ordination of Slavic Birsa as a deacon at Jesus the Saviour church in Chisinau

Here I am speaking with Valeriu Ghiletchii the president of the Baptist Union translating for me.

Brother Valeriu was the main speaker and gave some excellent teaching on 1 Tim 4:12 teaching on each of the aspects that Timothy was to be an example in to the believers i.e. in word; in conduct; in love; in spirit; in faith and in purity

You may remember brother Slavic from a previous blog post as he is the leader of the Christian Police Association with whom we are working.

Jesus the Saviour is the biggest evangelical church in Moldova with 1300 members and indeed around 900 people took communion with at least another 300 ( the majority presumably unsaved ) also at the meeting

They have 5 pastors and now with Slavic and the 3 others who were ordaned to-day as deacons they have 20 deacons.

After the ordination followed by communion we all met for a meal with the new deacons and families and invited friends

We found it all a thoroughly uplifting day

Meanwhile back at the ranch.....

Keep praying for the Chircani new believers and seekers.

Nina, Anisoara, Vasile and Tanya are all through and there are several others that have made serious responses.

Pray for Tanya and Luchian - they have left for a time to go to her parents in another village.

Pray she is able to feed herself ( spiritually ) and stay strong for the Lord while she is away

Pray for Igor and Vera from Gotesti. ( side by side )

Their lives have been messed up big time by sin but both are coming together to the meetings and were here again this morning with the first study of the new believers/seekers course completed

He has a big desire to be changed

Pray I get wisdom when we meet on Tuesday and that His power is present

Pray for Tony Anthony as he comes to us on Monday to do a 3 day "Release" conference on evangelism with about 150 workers here in the South Tuesday to Thursday

Yours and His
