Saturday, August 11, 2007

Mssionary Conference, Chisinau

We were privileged to be invited to be a speaker at this years Baptist Missionary conference which was held at the summer camp resort of Vad lui Voda August 1-4.

Around 70 missionary families sent out by the B.U. to places like Afghanistan, Iran, Alaska and all the different regions of Russia were in attendance as well as a portion of those the BU has sent out into Moldova to church plant.

Mike Grevette, director of missions for the Georgia Baptist Union, USA was the main speaker, while Valeriu Ghilecthi and Ion Miron president and vice president of the BU ( see photo ) where there the whole 4 days.
Another speaker was Fitalie Fedula pastor ( see photo with his wife Larisa ) of the biggest evangelical church in Moldova Jesus the Saviour with 1500 members

We heard testimonies form the various missionaries of God’s faithfulness especially in Muslim countries where freedom is not permitted for the gospel.

A team from the USA took our children from 10.00-13.00 for games etc while we had the seminar times and in the afternoon everyone was able to relax in the swimming pool or volley ball or soccer fields or the many other options that were available.

I think we could say with confidence that everyone found a blessing in these 4 days of conference.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Physically Disabled Outreach

Our apologies to any of you looking at this blog site and finding no change for the last number of weeks ( feels like at little bit of déjà vu as I write )
We have been in the UK then in Romania and the at a missionaries conference in Moldova.

You’ll remember the story of Nicu, the young lad blind from birth who got saved and baptized in February.
Well it as if God had to save a physically disabled person to awaken us to the need in general of the physically disabled especially in our village.

One thing led to another and in May we had a special outreach meeting for the physically disabled in our village.

As you can see from the photo we had around 40 come to the meting we ran ( and that did not include those from Chircani or Cosntantinovca ).

We had an able bodied brother from Germany take the meeting and indeed sponsor the cost but Dima (a paraplegic who’s been a Christian for many years did the preaching and Gregory, blind from 10 months led the worship )

We had a meal afterwards and each was given a gift of food and a small money gift.

Everyone who attended said they really enjoyed it and wanted to come again so we plan to do another in September.
There is a very big need in this area If you look at the picture you’ll see around 4 with wheelchairs but there are at least another 10 there who need them.
There are also blind and partially sighted there who have no help – not even a white stick.

We made a contact in USA that would be willing to send a container load of wheelchairs to our nearest port ) probably Constansa ) free of charge but it seems the government has restriction on getting them into Moldova such that we might only get about 10% of these to use as we see fit.

So we need much prayer in this area for wisdom how to go forward and help with the many needs

Mark McCormick 1 August 2007
The man int he wheel chair front bottom is now coming regularly to the church