Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas goes on

Well we were encouraged that we still had a good turn out to the meeting after Christmas.
Around 40 non Christians came.
As you look at the left hand side of this picture nearly all are non Christians from Chircani.
Some of these have given their lives to Christ in the last weeks some are sowing interestin finding out more.

I have planned to gather together on Thursday in Chircani all those who are interested in hearing more about how to come into a personal relationship with Christ including those that have given their lives to Christ recently.
In January we will start another "seekers course" for all these and for others in Gotesti that have shown similar interest.

Pray for this family. They are the parents of one of our youth.

Vasia and Catea and their neighbour Rita. We ask for God to bring them to the church regularly.

I hope to visit them this week and encourage them to come.
All others you see in the pciture are unsaved from Gotesti
Pray for our next outreach which is our Christmas programme at Constantinovca, one of our church plant villages.

They celebrate the Orthodox Christmas in that village which is January 7th so we will do a children's progamme in the kindergarten and probably do carols in the village as the time approaches

Here are some of our youth doing a programme in this week's meeting
Some of these will be involved in the carol singing
Also the team that is going to Chisinau Jan 2-6 to take a winter camp for our adolescents are taken from this group as well as some others
Do pray for them and that there wil be a harvest amongst the adolescents during this week
Thanks for all your prayers
Pastor Mark

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas Meeting 2007

To-day we had our Christmas meeting at which 243 adults attended + 86 kids + 94 kids we had in our programme from our groups in Gotesti.

This meant that we were able to share the gospel with 190 unsaved of whom 4 came to give their lives to the Lord after the meeting and another 36 completed forms looking for follow up of some kind or another.

In the message we spoke of Christ, the sent one's mission being to preach good news to the poor, TO HEAL THE BROKEN HEARTED..... and saw many faces showing signs that they were pondering these things in their hearts as did Mary in Luke 2:19

Pray for us as we try to follow up all those that came to the meeting.

Of course we are fully aware that most of these have come not seeking the Lord but rather because it was a Christmas meeting. Some because their children were in the programme some because they were hoping for a Christmas gift or some because they got an aid packet this week but nonetheless we have had opportunity to impart the gospel and, we trust, something of the Spirit to them to-day.

This dear lady on the right is called Marusia.

This was her first time at our meeting, coming because she got an aid packet.

After the meeting she spoke to one of our members with tears in hers eyes saying this is the first time in her life she has ever recived a gift.

Our thanks on her behalf to you who have given money to make these aid packets possible

The mayor of our village was also at the meeting and indeed gave an opening greeting.

Pray for him. He is an honest man working in our village that is anything but.

Our children's groups put on a wonderful programme of which the highlight was probably the angels parade that the adolescents groups put on.

One of the teachers from the Chircani Kindergarten was at the meeting and after seeing their programme asked if they could come and do it in the Kindergarten next week

Pray for Igor and Tanya and 4 of our youth as they take this adolescent group away for a winter camp Jan 2-6. We want to see many of these come through to a new birth. They are aged 11-14 and we believe this is entirely possible at this age.
All of us here at Biserica Baptista Gotesti and us of the McCormick Family wish you all a wonderful Christmas and prosperous new year
Pastor Mark

Christmas programme in Chircani

This year we were able to do our Christmas programme in the Chircani school.

Marin is the Orthodox priest in this village and we have a very good relatioship with him.

Here he is opening the meeting with me in the festival hall in the school. This is a photo that most Baptist pastors would be shocked to see as in general there tends to be very poor relations between priests and pastors

We have about 50 kids in the club in Chircani from 7 -14 and all took part in the programme.

Around 20 teachers and parents also attended and later some came to our Wednesday meeting in Gotesti.

All our kids that took part in the programme received a bag of goodies.

It was a joy for me to see these kids getting a pair of socks, an orange, a bar of chocolate and a pen and being thrilled with it.

It reminded me of clip I once saw on a "You've been framed" programme of a 10 yr old opening his Christmas present on video to discover a
200$ computer game which he smashed into pieces because it was not to his liking

This is good reason for me to consider it a blessing that my kids grow up
in Moldova is ti not?

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas getting close

It's a great time of year if you are a pastor and evangelist like me to see the meetings full of rejoicing Christians and a large number of non Christians.

We counted 36 non Christian adults amongst us as well as 15 or so adolecents

One young woman Anisoara, the married daughter of one of our Christian families from Chircani gave her life to the Lord after the meeting.

We feel this is likely to be a new birth as she was part of the church 7 years ago until she ran off to live with the first boy who swept her off her feet. She knew the word of God well and has been coming again to the meetings for some months now so we suppose she understands all about the cost of being a Christian in terms of His Lorship etc.

We also had 17 people complete reponse forms asking for follow up visits or wanting to start a bible study etc. Many also completed the point that says I gave my life to the Lord to-day but from experience this usually means that they haven't fully understood it's implications.

However one who wants some material to read to discover how to have a personal relaionship with God is a doctor from the village whose cousin is a believer from the village of Pascani and who visited us to-day bringing this doctor with her.

She visited us to-day because Grija ( see photo ), a preacher from her church, was our speaker to-day.

Another one of the response cards was completed by a 10 yr old boy who gave his life to the Lord to-day but also wrote under the heading "other comments or questions"

"I want to know why God loves me"

What a text to preach on.

We also had the 6 out of the 9 new believers who are in the discpleship course along with their disciplers come out to the front and sing a carol.

For Alexei, the former mayor ( front right ) it was the first time ever siniging in public. He was relieved to agree with me afterwards that he did it for the Lord.

We are hoping that some of these will come through to baptism probably in February.

This time of year sees us also involved with giving out aid to poor families and is probably the reason why we get so many non Christians coming at this time of the year.

It is not an easy thing to select who should get aid and who we have to pass by as the need far outstrips the resources we have to give but we are nonetheless able to do something significant for around 160 families in our villages this year with the generous gifts of many of you who are reading this blog

We thank you all on their behalf

Many of you have been asking how the pizzerie is getting on. The answer is that we are still battling bureucracy here with the final stamp delayed yet again. But we are trusting the Lord as to His date for opening and are feeling this might be in January

Here is a typical example of the problems. The sign ( see picture ) which should now be up isn't because it is not properly made and unless we do some extra work on it is will leek water etc.

Keep praying for us though. We have truly seen much answer to prayer this last year and really depend on your intercessions
Pastor Mark
16 December 2007

Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Gift of God

Christmas will soon be upon us and things are becoming very busy. We have just had a visit from the Eurovangelism team including the director Dave Roderick seen here preaching in our church.

Eurovangelism supply funds for us to be able to buy a food packet to give to poor families at this time of the year. We are able to help 150 families with a food gift of flour, potatoes, rice, macaroni etc. amounting to the equivalent of a month’s salary for a teacher.

It makes a substantial difference to these families to have this help

The husband of the woman above left her 2 years ago with 6 kids to bring up and no income

To the left is a family whose husband is honest and works when he can but only available is the odd day digging someone's garden or working at a house where they are doing repairs.

Taking these gifts to families also gives us an opportunity to speak of a greater Gift that God has given us.

In the past many of those receiving aid have then proceeded to come to the church and some have gone on to get saved.
Nicu our blind member is an example of one of these and yesterday he did a song with his accordian in the meeting

We had 39 non Christian adults at the monring meeting as well as around 20 non Christian adolescents.

Around 10 of those where at the meeting for the first time while two adults from Chircani who have been coming to the meetings for some time now gave their lives to the Lord after the preaching.

We were also fortunate to have international worship leader Rob Newey with us, who came with the Eurovangelism team.

He took 2 days of seminars on leading worship which was attended by around 70 people from many diferent churches in the South.

Pray for us as we do a Christmas gospel message every Sunday with our Christmas special on Sunday 23 December. We usually get large numbers coming and many have been coming for a while so we are looking to the Lord for a harvest amongst these.
Pray for the coffee shop which has been again delayed with documents and other problems. We will not now open before January.
Wishing you all a restful Christmas and a prosperous new year in all respects
Pastor Mark


Saturday, November 24, 2007

Ministering at a Baptism in Cantemir

We were called to provide a programme and preach the gospel at a baptism meeting at Cantemir Baptist church.

Pastor Volodia and his wife Virginia ( extreme left ) pastor this church and also have a responsibility for several church plants in the surrounding area.

The paralysed girl in the centre is cronically ill and is in fact going blind

Sister Catea next to sister Virginia has a 23 yr old son physically disabled from birth whose disablity means she has had to wash his clothes every day for all his life. We discovered she has an alcoholic husband so no money comes into the house and she has thus been hand washing her son's clothes for 23 years.

We were able to give pastor Volodia 200$ from gifts that the Bayfarm church people left for her to buy a second hand washing machine PTL.

In our programme we brought Vova ( the former mafia man ( and Tanya his wife as well as Aliona for worship.)

Vova gave his testimony ( for the first time in public )

Interestingly enough in the congregation was the assistant chief constable for the Cantemir region who is a member at this church ( In fact he is pictured on the right of the baptistm candidates ( the younger of the two men ))

He knew Vova from his various run-ins with the law and it was wonderful to see the two men having felowship as brothers in the same family after the meeting.

Igor, our youth leader, here on the right of the picture translated for me in the preaching as he usually does. Indeed we have preached the gospel in 5 meetings this month either harvest services or mission meetings and he has translated in all but the last where I preached in Romanian

Aliona has been leading worship in evangelsistic events with me for 11 years now and with brother Sasa Triastar for several years before that right up to his death of cancer.

Tanya, Vova's wife spoke a powerful poem just before the preaching whose theme was "You were my good Christian neighbour and yet for shame you never told me the gospel and here I am now in hell"

This enabled me to start the message off by saying well here we are to tell you the message.

Four people responded to a gospel appeal at the end of the message
The following Sunday we went with the same team to do the same programme at another church in a town called Gurgiulesti
Vova gave his testimony again as it was interesting to see how much he had gained from the experience of the previous week
There are many mafia "friends" that Vova had in this village but unfortunately none was there to hear his testimony
However the mayor of the town was there and was visibly under conviction during the preaching of the gospel but did not respond to an appeal.
We are planning that Vova and Tanya will get baptised in our chruch in either February or March along with, it appears, several other condidates.
The date depends on Vasile Tofan and his programme for next year.
He was a famous Romanian boxer who had prospects of becoming world championj in the super heavyweight division but eneded up in prison in Germany where he got saved and he now serves the Lord and the gospel
He will come to preach in a 3 say mission that we will do that will end on a Sunday with the baptisms
He is also bringing with him a well known former mafia man from Galati so it will be a mafia man festival when this mission takes place
Keep praying for us

Our Adolescent football team wins medal

In October after a Sunday service we had a presentation for our adolescents football team. The team was formed 3 months ago and Igor and Ilusa are the trainers of the team.
Operation Mobilisation were the inspiration behind this new ministry inviting churches to start football teams while they offered training for the leaders on how to coach the teams.

Igor and Ilusa meet with the boys every Tuesday and Thursday, have a time of skills training, then a talk from the bible ( which has seen 5 of these boys repent ) and then a match.

Our team went to O.M in Chisinau and competed with another 4 teams on a round robin basis for a cup; they came 2nd and all got medals which you can see in the photo

One of the lads got best footballer in the tournament and another best defender.

Pray for this group of boys. Most of them have been coming to our Friday afternoon "grupa mare" for adolescents from 11-14 years.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Mission continuing

The mission has been continuing to go well with up to Friday night 26 adults having responded to thr gospel as well as several children.

Ruslan has been counselling them after their response and it apears that many have understood well the gospel and made serious responses

Pray for the first new believers discpleship course that will take place at 15.00 on Tuesday 23 october

Alexei, the former mayor of the village and former head teacher of the school was one of those who responded this week and his wife the following day.

In fact we have up to now had 3 married couples respond this week.

On Friday night we had Angelina Vasilache a well know gospel singer come and do most of the programme for the meeting as well as give her testimony

Meanwhile the Bayfarm team have been continuing on daily visits.

Here they are doing a programme in one of the 3 Kindergartens in Gotesti.

We were able to leave some games for the kids like leggo etc as none of these Kindergartens have any games

The team has also been doing visits to poor homes giving aid and also piglets the funds for which have been supplied mostly by Eurovangelism.

Many of the poor people they have visited have also come to the meeting during the week

Pray for the final two days of the mission that there would continue to be more new unsaved people come to the meetings and that they get saved

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

mission day Oct 16

Thank you for continuing to pray for the mission and all events surrounding it. It is going well with plenty of unbelievers coming and hearing the word - some for the first time.

Here are two ladies that responded. They are mother and daughter and were visited by the team earlier in the day.
Natasa in red has been coming to the chruch for some weeks but her mother Olia was there for the first time on Tuesday night.

The team did a play in the meeting called measuring up which really spoke of a man trying to keep the law to measure up and be accepted but then finding his rest in God. Sandra Newton also gave her testimony of how she was called by God to salvation at a youth for Christ rally many years ago.

Earlier in the day we had been to the local school which has 600 pupils

The photo to the right is the team meeting Olga the head teacher and below is Kim giving her testimony to the teachers in the room that Bayfarm church and friends have given a gift to refurbish it with double glazed windows, tables and chairs carpet etc
The team have been doing other visits to Kindergartens in the village and in the afternoons they have been visiting people's homes and sharing the gospel with them and inviting them to the meeting in the evening.
All this having travelled 10,000 Km to get here - not bad for a bunch of jet lagged oldies.
Pastor Mark

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Mission Week

It is our special week this week when we have an outreach mission for the village.

This year we have a team with us from Bayfarm Community Church, California

After a 10,000 Km journey to get to us you can imagine how tired they were and yet they have been fully involved from day one.

Sunday morning. the gospel was preached in our 10.00 am meeting and 5 people responded including Larisa in the centre of the picture who had been close for many weeks.

Then in the afternoon we were invited to a harvest service in Pelenei where pastor Misa ( see photo with M&M) gave us the full programme.

Chris Modic ( see picture) gave his testimony and there were also 5 people who responded to a gospel appeal.

The mission in Gotesti starts on Tuesday evening 16th and will be every evening until Sunday 21

Keep praying for us


Monday, October 1, 2007

Harvest Service

Ignore the date on the bottom of the picture this is a shot of our harvest service on 30 September 2007.

We had a lovely time together thanking God for what He has done for us this year despite the fact that in general harvests were very poor in Moldova.

There were 53 non Christians at the meeting including the mayor and his wife who gave a short at address at the start of the meeting.

The youth did a programme including some songs and various others took part in the day such as Aliona's twins The harvest is past the summer is over and WE ARE NOT SAVED is the text that was used in the message. Jer 8:20

An appeal was made and 4 adults and 3 children raised their hands wanting to receive Jesus into their lives.

Another 23 people completed response forms of which 5 recorded that they had asked Christ into their lives and 17 said they wanted someone to talk to them about what it means to have new life in Christ.

We now have much follow up work to do especially since we have a mission coming up 14-21 October

Pastor Mark

Monday, September 10, 2007

Police Conference

The third Annual Conference of the Christian Police Association

Both Mari and I were invited to participate in this weekend held Sep 7-9 at Dusa Suumer Camp as guests speakers.
The Theme of the weekend was “Who is your security” and around 40 families attended including several non Christians.

I preached an opening ceremony short address and preached a final meeting evangelistic message while leading a discussion seminar on the Saturday afternoon at the same time as Mari took the ladies group.

There were guest speakers from Holland and from Romania and several people responded in various ways over the weekend

There are around 15,000 policemen in Moldova and yet there are only around 25 members in this association who are Christian and probably not that many more in the whole country.

It is a fledgling work and yet the 5 members of the board are dedicated and gifted men of God with a big vision for this work.

In my view this is one of the most significant works in the country. If the police force had a significant number of committed Christians what change this would bring to the country and it’s future as a whole.

There is a big need here of sponsors for this work. All the leaders are working full time and each has to have a second job to be able to support his family as the police salary is about 90 pounds per month and they need at least 120-150 per month in the capital to live if they are not to fall into debt.

The association has no funding. We at Moldovan MIssion Mission mostly funded this weekend summer camp conference. Around 10 pounds per person was need to cover food, accommodation and transport. Due to these funding limitations they were only able to fund around 40 families when the venue would have accommodated 120 families.

If there are any of you reading this that feel you would like to become a sponsor
(Victor in blue shirt has been blind for 17 yrs
after a driving accident)

of this work in some way or you know an organisation or a church or a group of people who would like to help then please contact me on
Christmastiem will be the next major outreach
they will want to do to make the most of the
festival opportunity

Yours and His
