Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Children's Summer Camp

We ran a day camp at Gotesti 5-9th July for kids aged 7-11.

Around 90 kids came every day and here they are doing a programme for the parents on Friday the last day of the camp

The camp ran each day from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm and the kids would get games, teaching and a mid-day meal in that time as well as arts and crafts etc.

We had the Mission Direct team with us and they were fully involved in the week.
Here Greig is helping the kids with some crafts and the others were involved in outside activities like games etc.

The team were a particular blessing helping release our church team to do the ministry by doing all the practical things like preparing the food, cleaning the dishes etc

We were encouraged at the end of the week by how many of the parents or grandparents that came to the final day programme

Please pray for these parents that they may start coming to the church regularly

Pastor Mark

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