Sunday, January 27, 2008

Family Service

To-day was our family service in the church

We decided recently that we would have once every month a special service that we could invite non Christians to.

This month it was a family service, next month a baptism, March ladies day ( the Moldovan equivalent of mother's day ), April Easter and so on.

I was very encouraged to see such a good turn out which means the believers did their part and invited their non Christian friends and neigbours

Two particularly special points in the programme came when Rachael our 8 year old played her guitar and sang a song in the programme.

It was her first time playing the guitar in public She has been learning the guitar for about 6 months .

The other particularly special moment was when Ion and Maria Boev members in Chircani church sang a song together with their newly born again daughter Anisoara.
Pray for their son Luchian whose wife Tanya has got saved and for Oxana their other daughter who is also close

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