Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ambassadors in Sport come to Moldova

I came to the Lord in April 1984 after a life lived very much in the world with all it's trappings.

I got born again and joined the Wharf Rd Baptist church but I was 28 and had no friends in the church of my age and background so the transforming process in the first 2 years of my Christian life was very hard.

However. Ray and Crista Tucker, mature Christians of many years standing, answered my advert in the local paper "Christian man seeks Christian home" and I moved in to live with them.
They mentored me for the first 2 years of my Christian life.
Ray is now European director of A.I.S and they came out this year to do a TREC course here in Moldova. Ray is the man in the middle of the picture - he is actually only 25 years old so you can see what 2 years of living with me in 1984 did to him. (Only joking Ray)

TREC is a training course that equips Christians to coach football to an UEFA standard as well as sharing the gospel and starting a ministry with the young people who come to the course.

Ray and the team did the course in Chisinau at O.M head quarters to which around 40 pastors and leaders came to be trained over the 4 day course including many from Cantemir where we have a responsiblity.

After the course in Chisinau, Ray came down to us in Gotesti with his team -
Graham from Spain and Fabrizio and his wife Rebeca from Italy. Igor had already started a group last year in Gotesti and has now started another in Chircani with Ray and the team's help.

On Sunday the team ministered in the church in Gotesti with Ray preaching the message

We trust they will come back next year and do the next level of the coaching training

Pray for all the groups that are being set up in Cantemir, Porumbesti and other villages in our county

Pastor Mark

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